Author Archives: Rick Marzec

Delta Lab at Northwestern is formed

Dr. Matt Easterday, Dr. Haoqi Zhang, and I are thrilled to announce the formation of the Delta Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab and design studio at Northwestern University, where we study, design, and build systems in social and crowd computing, human computer interaction, learning sciences, civics, design, and innovation.

The lab builds on the growing excitement of Northwestern as an amazing place to do research in HCI, design, and social computing. Darren Gergle, Jeremy Birnholtz, Ann Marie Piper, Mike Horn, Aaron Shaw, Matt, Haoqi, and I form the core HCI faculty; many more of us in Computer Science and Communications are involved through the Technology and Social Behavior program.



Predicting likelihood of success in a crowdfunding campaign

Currently, we can predict with 68% accuracy whether a crowdfunding campaign launched on Kickstarter will succeed based on features of the campaign established pre-launch including – the project category, whether or not the campaign has a video uploaded, and how many rewards are offered. We are hoping to get a higher degree of accuracy to better advise campaign creators pre-launch.  Check out the recent press coverage in The Guardian and Popular Science.

New PhD students to join the lab

This past month, we were thrilled welcomed two new PhD students to the lab.

Emily Harburg joins us from Disney Research where she was working on fascinating research on leadership, design, and the customer experience of waiting in lines at Disney.  Dan Rees Lewis joins us from Design for America where he led a highly successful instructional design effort to develop the design and innovation curriculum for extracurricular project based learning.