Our research on the challenging work of crowdfunding was recently featured in the April 2016 Issue of Sloan Management Review “How Crowdfunding Supports Innovation”
Author Archives: Rick Marzec
Congratulations to our PhD student Eureka Foong who was accepted to Computing Research Association Grad Cohort Workshop
Congratulations to our PhD student Eureka Foong who was accepted to Computing Research Association Grad Cohort Workshop in San Diego!
Asked to be founding Associate Editor of New ACM Journal on Social Computing
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been asked to be a founding associate editor of the New ACM Journal on Transactions on Social Computing!
Social Network, Web Forum, or Task Market? Comparing Different Crowd Genres For Design Feedback Exchange
I am very proud of Grace Chen and my colleagues for publishing this latest paper titled Social Network, Web Forum, or Task Market? Comparing Different Crowd Genres For Design Feedback Exchange. It will be available in Proceedings of Design of Interactive Systems, ACM Press, 2016.
Crowdfunding research featured in Switzerland’s Hemisphere
We are honored to have our crowdfuding research featured in Switzerland’s Hemisphere. the article is called “Mettre de soi dans un projet.”
The Effect of Style on Teens in School
Several pet owners discover existing bugs on their pet, handle using a topical medicine or a few other kind of flea control item, and genuinely believe that the ticks will disappear almost instantly. Typically, the fleas return in just a time or two. Why bugs do not disappear after treatment The adult flea consumes nearly all of its time on your pet. The most popular regular flea products, such as Front-Line Plus, Advantage, Revolution and K9 Advantix, eliminate these adult fleas fairly quickly. Though these fleas are living on the pet, they are breeding and reproducing. Continue reading
New grant received to pursue pair research program
I’m thrilled to announce that my colleague, Haoqi Zhang and I received a grant from the Provost’s Digital Learning Program to develop our Pair Research System to facilitate collaboration and learning between researchers.
Congratulations to Delta Lab students, Anna Bethune and Eureka Foong for being invited to give TEDx talks
Congratulations to Delta Lab student, Anna Bethune and Eureka Foong for being invited to give TEDx talks. 2 out of 8 students selected are from the Delta Lab!
Congratulations to 1st year PhD student Eureka Foong for her acceptance to CHI and CWSW workshops!
Interview with Social Entrepreneur Marquis Cabrera in Huffington Post
I was honored to be interviewed by Social Entrepreneuer Marquis Cabrera in the Huffington Post this month.